About Us


The Rural ICT Guided Home based Technopreneur (RiGHT) Programme was initiated by Sarawak Information Systems Sdn. Bhd. (SAINS) in 2005 as its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to bridge prevailing rural-urban digital divide in Sarawak. Its other objectives are to:

1) create generations of ICT literate youths among the rural community

2) equip rural youths with valuable and marketable skills for employment opportunities

3) build up supply of ICT literate youths who can serve their local rural community

4) develop a network of ICT Service Centres to serve the rural community

Doing it the RiGHT Way

Selected candidates from rural communities are sponsored for an intensive ICT training for six months by SAINS. The training covers a wide range of ICT related fields such as the theory of ICT components including hardware, software, network, IT infrastructure. Other subjects include safety and health, entrepreneurship and business communication skills.

After they graduate, candidates may return to their respective communities to set up ICT Service Centres. With these ICT Service Centres, candidates are able to utilise the skills which they acquire to provide ICT-related services involving hardware and network support as well as desktop software training, e-commerce and e-Government services. The ICT Service Centres can be a source of income for the candidates, while serving their community.


Candidates for the programme are selected from the rural areas. These candidates are the main beneficiaries of this programme.  The selection criteria for individuals are those who have the drive to succeed in the ever challenging ICT industry, are independent, hard working and disciplined.

SAINS will harness the potential in these candidates, and leverage on its wide network of ICT logistics on top of its expertise, to train these candidates.        

Collaboration with Sponsors


The success of RiGHT also depends on the availability of sponsors for the candidates. Each candidate is sponsored by either individuals  or organisational bodies.

Through the years, SAINS has collaborated with the Ministry of Rural and Land Development, and individuals such as YB Abdul Rahman Junaidi (ADUN Pantai Damai) in 2010, YB Datuk Peter Nansian (ADUN Tasik Biru) in 2010 and 2014, and YB Datuk Dr. Jerip Anak Susil (ADUN Bengoh) in 2013 and 2014.

In 2014, Yayasan Rakyat 1Malaysia (YR1M) became one of the sponsors of candidates for the programme.  

Going forward, SAINS welcomes more sponsors including Measat, for 2015 and ahead to be a part of this nation building effort.